Wednesday, February 18, 2009

SANSKRIT FOR YOGA PRACTITIONERS, PART II: Important Terminology in the Yogasutras with Kate & Nandini

Saturday, February 21, 2:00 - 5:00pm • $35

Learn the words and discuss the meanings of important Yoga Sutras, and the terminology of concepts presented in the text. The ashtangas, abhyasam and vairagyam, the klesas, vrttis, antarayas, yamas and niyamas, and a brief look at the sutras relating to techniques of meditation.

This lecture based workshop will help you become comfortable with the terminology so that we can use the sanskrit words with understanding rather than approximate English substitution in a yoga class. This is a required course for the shala's Advanced Studies Program. Everyone who wants to understand the concepts of the Sutras is welcome, and Teachers are encouraged to attend!

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